Friday, March 25, 2011


Yesterday I went to the funeral. I'm not using any names cause they asked me not to if I blogged about it.

The service was actually amazing, even thought I couldn't keep up with all the religious aspects of it but hey, I'll blame my mum for that one. There were a lot more people there than any other funeral I've been to. People from her place of work, her kids football/cricket/basketball teams, school friends EVERYONE. People had to stand because they filled out the massive church.

I think that watching her kids eulogies was the hardest part of not only the funeral but possibly the last decade of my life. They were all so sad and mad and I couldn't help it I just cried and cried and cried and then cried some more the entire way though them. The youngest went first which is my sisters significant other. He mostly reminisced about all the things his mum used to go for him. He told a story about how he was trying to make a photo frame with an imagine of the two of them in it in prep and he just couldn't do it. After he tried and tried he got upset and the school had to call his mum to come up and calm him down. She was there in about 5 minutes. He laughed about how he would text her to ask what was for dinner and she would text back "food". Or when he would be going up to maccas and ask if she wanted anything and she would just say "no thanks, i'll just have some of yours.". Second youngest went next, he didn't cope so well. He brought in a magnet with his mums name on it. The kind that have where the name originated, and its meaning. He relayed to everyone who had attended how that applied to his mum and tried to use examples to prove it but he didn't cope so well and broke down a bit. Well, a lot really. The only daughter went next. Her eulogy kind of took everyone by surprise. She read out a letter she had written to her mum the day after she died. It started off saying how mad she was at her and ended with her saying she would try to remember the good things about her but that right now, it was a bit difficult. The last eulogy, delivered by her eldest son was all too much for me and I can't actually remember what was said now.

The whole day just sucked. If I could have taken away what they were feeling even if it meant I had to feel it myself I would have. They didn't deserve this. None of it. They are such good kids, the best I've ever met.


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