Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night I had two creepy as dreams.

The first, I got married, to a faceless man at an unidentifiable venue. Anyway, everything was all going fine and dandy until all of a sudden my Cinderella style coach (horses included- no pumpkin though) suddenly stopped and we all got out and we were all standing in a marsh (think L.O.T.R) shooting at each other! My god it was weird, everyone was there including family members of mine who are no longer alive and people I haven't worked with in a decent 6 months.

Second, I got a $3000 phone bill. This wasn't eventful in the slightest but I did wake up very agitated wondering how the hell it had happened. Turns our, as the dream went on I kept going on facebook while I was in South America (note: I have never been to South America) and the internet made my bill ginormous.

I guess that's what happens when you work a 13.5 hour shift and you start to go slightly loopy toward the end.

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